Thankyou for booking a workshopYou might have been thinking and planning to learn woodwork for a while now- or even for all your life (every second student tells me that)! Together we will remove the veil of mystery about woodworking and techniques.
The time we spend together is expansive and life-changing. We use a fresh new way of looking at an old subject that invites you to relax and come to understand that you don’t have to know everything at once! By learning some of the secrets that have been veiled in exclusivity in the past, working with wood becomes available to all, simply and plainly with terms that are easy to follow. You will gain a new understanding of an old, reserved industry.
There’s a new desire for people to make things with their own hands and to not have to rely on other people. It’s an exciting time, as it’s far more acceptable now for everyone to be wanting to build for themselves – anything from the bedside tables to fixing the garden gate!
Woodwork is a holistic, satisfying art.
Our teaching structure encourages you to use your whole body as well as your mind to learn the tasks. By breaking the method down into small steps, you will have time to assimilate and store the new skills and information you’re learning. Each step is shown in a practical demonstration and includes all safety aspects (such as where to put your hands or move your body weight) and any necessary safety equipment needed for the task is provided.
Power Tools empower. (3 day workshop)
Renew your relationship with power tools or your thoughts about power tools if you’ve never used them before. Feel safe, focused and in control of power tools that are really just appliances in disguise!
The refreshing after effect.
Walk away after the workshop feeling refreshed, inspired, capable and confident to walk the tool aisles of the hardware shops – explore the wood and tools, and know what questions to ask using the right language.
With new skills under your belt, you might find a space at home and start a project, big or small with just a few start-up tools. You may be lucky to have power tools available to borrow or use from a partner, neighbour, family, men’s shed, community shed or a local tool library.
Or you can return for other Joinery workshops – the Dovetail workshop, Mortise & Tenon workshop, Make a Pot Plant stand, Design a Workbench, Build a workbench and many more workshops that are created just for you at Woodwork for Women, Mullumbimby, Northern NSW established 25 years.
Your lunch.
Balance of the Workshop payment in cash
I will provide morning tea including fresh fruit and nuts.
I have a small fridge, microwave, plates and utensils for you to use.
From day two wear closed in shoes if possible. (3 Day workshop)
Tools (Power or Hand tools)
If you have any tools at home that you would like to bring, I can tell you
how they work, how to clean them up or, even, what they are for!
See you at 48 Main Arm Road, Mullumbimby.